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(ENGR) Software Development Methods

3 Credits | 300 Level | 45 Contact hours


Modern Software Development Using Java, Second Edition by Paul Tymann and G. Michael Schneider. This text is freely available online at http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ptt/msd/.


A continuation of CS 1110, emphasizing modern software development methods. An introduction to the software development life cycle and processes. Topics include requirements analysis, specification, design, implementation, and verification. Emphasizes the role of the individual programmer in large software development projects.


Engineering in all fields is progressing at a rapid rate; the ability to design and create software systems is increasingly important. The practices of software engineering (including team management, design, testing, and documentation) are useful in all large-scale development processes whether or not they include computing.
In this course, there are four main goals:
(a) to increase your skill as a programmer;
(b) expand on your experience with the art of computer science;
(c) to introduce you to how software systems are designed, implemented, tested, and maintained; and
(d) to provide practical experience in software engineering.


1. Start Data types
2. Start Java Review - Data types
3. Finish Data types if / if-else
4. if / if-else / for / while / arrays
5. ArrayList/Classes (intro)
6. Small Classes (whole)
7. Class Design (UML) / Equals Metho
8. End Java Review / Testing / JUnit
9. SW Engineering
10. Interfaces
11. Inheritance
12. Sets and Maps
13. Collections
14. Collections and Abstraction
15. Algorithms
16. Recursion
17. Trees
18. Grammars
19. Distributed applications


•Labs and Quizzes – 30% Attendance and participation in lab is required. There will also be several quizzes throughout the semester.
•[Small project – 5% There may be a small project this semester. This will be determined later on in the semester. It will be worth 5% of the grade. If there is a project then the Labs and Quizzes grade above (currently 30%) will be modified to 25%]
•Homework Assignments – 20% The exercises will be a combination of programming problems as well as paper-and-pencil activities that address the topics studied.
•Exam 1 – 15% Covering the first third of the course.
•Exam 2 – 15% Covering the second third of the course.
•Final Exam – 20% Covering mainly the remainder of the course, with some material from the first two-thirds. The final exam will be held on Dec 14th.
Attendance is mandatory to obtain the credits.

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