Study Abroad

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on a person's gender. Sexual harassment is contrary to the University's values and moral standards, which recognize the dignity and worth of each person, as well as a violation of the laws and University rules and policies. Sexual harassment cannot and will not be tolerated by our University, whether by faculty, students, or staff; or by others while on property owned by or under the control of the University.

The Polytechnic University of Valencia developed the Unit of Equality (Vicepresidency for Social Responsibility and Cooperation) for the promotion of equal opportunities through policies for Equal treatment, Effective Equality and non-discrimination between women and men in the field of higher education.

Contact information

E-mail address----------igualdad@upvnet.upv.es

Phone----------------------+34 963 879 069

Location-------------------Building 3Q. First Floor

More information

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Universitat Politècnica de València © 2012 · Tel. (+34) 96 387 90 00 · informacion@upv.es
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